So we all know that summer bodies are SAID to be built in the winter, but let's be honest, summer bodies are built when you get off of the couch and put the cookies down. Summer bodies are built when you have established the ability to resist the temptation of 3 AM Oreo's and ice cream sandwiches.

Summer is here, whether you are ready or not, financially or spiritually, but don't worry, our team at The Diamond Effect, are here to whip you into shape! It is time to stop resisting the thrills you seek by hiding behind the chains that you create for yourself. Let go of your fear of being "too fat" for sheer, "too broke" to ball, or "too busy" to go out.
Ready? Being fit exceeds more than looks. To be balanced, one must be financially, spiritually, mentally, and physically fit.
Step out on faith and unlock your true potential. Each week we will be providing life HACKS to give you the boost you need to get towards the lifestyle you crave. This Month's underlined theme is Health. Check out our Make It Happen Mondays, Travel Tuesdays, Work It Out Wednesdays, and Fleeky Fridays.
Be your own body goals.
Be financially free.
Live in the moment.
Stop to smell the flowers.
Visit our blog next week.